BounceBack Express 8.0
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42.9 MB

BounceBack Express 8.0

BounceBack Express backsing up data automatically at the time that you prefer
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award
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42.9 MB

When you do your data backups, you want to be sure that you have the most efficient data backup system. BounceBack Express 8.0 is an ideal partner for your data protection. BounceBack Express can be set by you to start backing up data automatically at the time that you prefer and do so in the background if you are still busy working at that time. It will copy any files that have been added or amended since it has last done a backup run.
You are also not limited to where you want you data to be backed up. BounceBack Express can copy data to any prescribed location whether it be a mapped network or an internal or external drives from your PC. It’s managed. When looking for a good backup system, it will be hard to find greater features then these. Bounceback Express’s new Vista friendly face run 15 times faster than previously, and will store your data at multiple locations. To increase the speed and efficiency with which this program runs even more no temporary internet files are stored, and backups take place at scheduled times that fit in with your busy schedule.

Bounceback Express has been revamped in order to work in conjunction with Windows Vista so there will be no mismatched software hitches. The software has been developed to be as user friendly as possible with everything from a multilingual interface to easy to navigate help options. And when it’s time to upgrade your Bounceback package for newer better features, you can rest assured that all your backed up data will still be kept safe.

LS Senior editor
Luis Sanchez
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  • Automatic backups


  • None


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